Friday 4 December 2015

Nyusi's nightmare

The new President is still struggling for mastery of the state, while a legacy of chronic corruption hangs over the latest IMF deal
As the austere consequences of an International Monetary Fund emergency loan sink into public consciousness, Filipe Nyusi is still struggling to gain the control that election as President should have given him over party and state. It is nearly a year since he started his term of office on a wave of good will. A humble leader who promised to bring about better governance and transparency, he built support at an impressive speed. The fact that he was not a veteran of the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique's liberation war was a breath of fresh air after the authoritarian rule of Armando Guebuza. Much of that good will has faded and the country now feels less indulgent and is demanding results.
( Africa Confidential, 4TH DECEMBER 2015 )

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