Tuesday, 16 February 2010


EU Election Observers hit lack of transparency, unlevel playing field

The 28 October 2009 elections were well organised and peaceful and largely guaranteed universal suffrage, reports the European Union Election Observation Mission. Fundamental freedoms and rights of assembly, expression and movement were respected.
Despite this, the broader electoral process was weakened by the lack of transparency by Mozambique’s electoral authorities, by an unlevel playing field during the electoral campaign and by limitations with regard to voter choice at local level. As in 2004, irregularities in counting, tabulation and aggregation were observed.
The EU Observer Mission also found:
+ Electoral "legislation is unclear and at times contradictory."
+ "Filing a complaint is de facto nearly impossible at every step of the electoral process."
+ "The presence of political party representatives at CNE maintains an unlevel playing field and an unequal access to information."

The full EU report is posted on the CIP election website, in English only. It is a large file: 3.25 MB.


Mozambique: ‘the war ended 17 years ago, but we are still poor’

In a paper to be published in the March issue of the academic journal Conflict, Security & Development, I argue that Mozambique poses some stark questions for development cooperation. In particular, "Current economic management strategies mean that a growing group of young people are leaving school with a basic education but no economic prospects. Will ‘marginal’ youth in towns and cities pose a threat of political and criminal violence? Can peace be built on poverty and rising inequality? Are elections and expanded schooling enough when there are no jobs?"

NOTA do José: O relatório final dos observadores da União Europeia, neste momento apenas disponível na língua inglesa, revela mais uma vez a falta de transparencia nas recentes eleições, deficiente lefislação eleitoral, etc.
Uma outra pertinente questão é abordada, há 17 anos que acabou a guerra mas Moçambique continua pobre, a paz pode ser construída na pobreza e na desigualdade?

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